San Antonio College hosted an on-line Ascender Familia Welcome on August 12, from 5pm to 7pm. The event began with an overview of the Ascender Learning Communities Program with administration, faculty and staff introducing themselves. This was followed by Ascender program director, Dr Jaimes, providing links to SAC resources including the Advocacy Center (food bank and mental health counseling), Tutoring (Math, Writing, INRW), and Library. Next Jeanette Bunch, EDUC instructor, went over the Technology Requirements for FALL 2020. She discussed the expectations of synchronous vs. asynchronous courses; how/where to get books; where to find the course syllabus; how to use Concourse to find syllabus; online OLRN orientation course; and where to go to check out free laptops and equipment.  The next topic covered was clubs and activities at SAC for online engagement. Keynote speaker, Manny Vasquez, Jr., ended the event with his presentation titled “Grit in Me.” Two Ascender students volunteered to share their stories at the end.

“I am so appreciative of the collective passion and dedication in ensuring our Ascender students feel connected to their SAC family. And bridging their family to their college community was a wonderful effort,” commented Dr. Jothany Blackwood, Vice President of Academic Success.

“What a great start to the semester! Two years ago, when Ascender Learning Communities with Catch the Next were launched we imagined events like last night and many courses in the LC model like now. I know this initiative will continue to grow with the support of all of you,” said Dr. Sobia Khan, Dean for Academic Success.

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