Celebrating Ten Years of Leadership Fellows:
Maximizing CTN's Potential as an Agency of Change

Leadership Fellows Program
The CTN Leadership Fellows Program is a customized learning experience that immerses participants in the organization's culture, policies, and decision-making processes. The program aims to maximize CTN's potential as an agency of change by maximizing the potential of all the people implementing CTN’s Transformative Education Framework across the state and nation.
Program Goals:
- To provide a developmental track for practitioners across campuses to help them understand the underpinnings associated with leadership values to impact the future of higher education directly.
- To ensure that future leaders are ready to take on real-world challenges in higher education and serve the capacity-building needs of the program and the educational institutions we serve.
- To develop leaders who share the values of respect, community, professional development, and responsible stewardship while seeking to encourage others to lead and achieve success – in other words. This mindful leader embraces collaboration and inclusiveness
How to apply to be a CTN Leadership Fellow
- Please submit the application below and upload the requested materials
- Contact Debra.Mcbeath@catchthenext.org with any questions
- Deadline: No later than April 11, 2025
- Notifications, April 17, 2025
- Leadership Fellows Training: Friday, April 25, 9 am to 2 pm with a lunch break
CTN believes effective leadership can improve organizational learning and help drive the agency in new directions. “Organizational learning is creating, retaining, and transferring knowledge within the organization. The primary purpose is to ensure organizations retain what they learn from experience over time. In the modern knowledge-based economy, organizational learning can create a competitive advantage for almost all organizations.” The Oxford Review, 2015
A good Leadership Fellow is an individual who can establish a values-oriented vision and mission that promotes the success of others and CTN.
CTN Leadership Fellows earn stipends for their participation in the following:
- CTN Professional Development ASCENDER Seminars: summer, fall, and spring as presenters or co-presenters.
- CTN Site Visits to campuses across the state where they serve as peer mentors to new faculty and administrators.
- Provide Workshops for our Transformative Teaching Institutes or Learning Circles.
- Other projects as assigned.
CTN Leadership Fellows can participate in the following:
- Leadership Fellows Retreat held each year.
- Monthly Webinars.
- Research and Evaluation Team.
- Journal of Ideas and Creativity as writers or editorial staff.
- Marketing and Communications Team
- Student Engagement team
Through its Leadership Fellows Program, CTN will, at the very least, ensure that faculty are better informed on the elements of an effectively led collegiate program. They will then be able to advocate for organizational change and understand leadership from a systems perspective.
2024 Leadership Fellows Cohort
Dallas College
- Praveena Dhayanithy (Math Professor) pdhayanithy@dallascollege.edu
- Yolanda Manzano ( Math Professor) | manzano@dcccd.edu
- Chesley Cade Mason (Professor English) | cmason@dallascollege.edu
- Laura Flores ( Senior Manager at LCET)| lauraf@dallascollege.edu

San Antonio College
- Melisssa Pollock (Grant Program Director) | mpollock5@alamo.edu

Palo Alto College
- Tivy Whitlock (Instructor EDUC) twhitlock@alamo.edu

Austin Community College
- Diana Gorostieta Martinez (Outreach Coordinator) diana,gorostietamartinez@austincc.edu
- David Rice (Professor English) | david.rice@austincc.ed

2023 Leadership Fellows Cohort
Dallas College
- Patrick J. Vasquez (Associate Dean of Guided Pathway Success) | patrick.vasquez@dallascollege.edu
- Teresita Ramirez (Professor - Dept of Mathematics) | teresita.ramirez@dallascollege.edu
- Melinda Andrews (Learning Frameworks) | mlandrews@dcccd.edu
- Chuang Shao (Chair of Mathematics) | cshao@dallascollege.edu
- John Rose (Professor English) | jwrose@dallascollege.edu
- Michael Arredondo | @dallascollege.edu

South Texas College
- Maria Garcia | mmgarcia@southtexascollege.edu

San Antonio College
- Elissa Guiterrez (Advisor) | egutierrez118@alamo.edu

Catch the Next
- Yvette Regalado (CTN Intern) | yvette.regalado@txstate.edu

2022 Leadership Fellows Cohort
Palo Alto College
- Antonio Garza (English) | agarza782@alamo.edu
- Ron Perez (Learning Frameworks, Program Director) | rperez@alamo.edu

Austin Community College
- Vidal Almanza (Advisor) | vman@austincc.edu
- Helen Dailey (Learning Frameworks) | hdailey@austincc.edu

Catch the Next
- Dr. Richard Armenta (College Liaison) | richard.armenta@catchthenext.org
- Jon Herrin (English) | jon.herrin@catchthenext.org

2021 Leadership Fellows Cohort
Palo Alto College
- Mary Elston (English) | melston@alamo.edu

Austin Community College
- Samantha Ackers (Learning Frameworks) | samantha.ackers@austincc.edu
- Megan Diaz (Outreach Specialist) | megan.diaz@austincc.edu
- Lillian Huerta (Learning Frameworks) | lhuerta@austincc.edu
- Cynthia Cantu (Senior Advisor) | cynthia.cantu@austincc.edu
- Anne Fletcher (English) | afletche@austincc.edu

San Antonio College
- Joan Jaimes (Director of Teaching and Learning, Director Ascender Program) | jjaimes23@alamo.edu
- Mona Aldana Ramirez (Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) | maldana-ramirez@alamo.edu
- Yon Hui Bell (English) | ybell@alamo.edu
- Laurie Coleman (English) | lcoleman@alamo,edu

South Texas College
- Rosa Gutierrez (Math) | rgutierr@southtexascollege.edu
- Jonathan Bell (Math) | jwbell@southtexascollege.edu
- Mario Morin (Math Chair) | mjmorin@southtexascollege.edu
- Darrial Reynolds (Government) reynolds@southtexascollege.edu

2018 Leadership Fellows Cohort
El Paso Community College
- Angelina Nunez (INRW, English) | aarell26@epcc.edu

Austin Community College
- Olga Eckert (Counseling, Student Development) | olga.eckert@austincc.edu
- Ariel Flores (Advising, Student Engagement) | ariel.flores@austincc.edu
- Pedro Merced (Mathematics) | pedro.merced@austincc.edu
- Rosa Rodriguez-Alvarez (Counseling, Student Development) | rosa.rodriguez-alvarez@austincc.edu
- Alejandra Polcik (Manager of Hispanic Outreach Projects) amarti11@austincc.edu

Palo Alto College
- Lisa Trevino (English) | ltrevino26@alamo.edu
- Dolores Zapata | dzapata@alamo.edu
- Alfredo Torres (CTN Consultant) | alfredo.torres@catchthenext.org
- Juan Higa (Ascender alumni, CTN Staff) | juan.higa@catchthenext.org

South Texas College
- Juan Ramirez (Student Development, INRW, English) | jrramirez@southtexascollege.edu
- Florinda Rodriguez (INRW Chair) | frodrig@southtexascollege.edu

2014-2017 Leadership Fellows Cohort
El Paso Community College
- Jorge Gomez (INRW, English) | jgome390@epcc.edu

Palo Alto College
- Rafeal Castillo (INRW, English) | rcastillo3@alamo.edu
- Diane Lerma (Student Development, INRW, English, retired) | dlerma@alamo.edu
- Yolanda Reyna (Counseling, Student Development)
- Daniel Rodriguez (Counseling, Student Development) | prodriguez1@alamo.edu
- Stacy Ybarra (CTN Director of Student Engagement, Advising, | stacy.ybarra@catchthenext.org

South Texas College
- Anna Alaniz (Director of Professional Development, CTN, Student Development, INRW, English) | abalaniz@southtexascollege.edu
- Ety Bischoff (Director, Dean of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, retired) | etybuh@southtexascollege.edu
- Angelica P. Cerda (INRW, English) | apcerda@southtexascollege.edu
- Esmeralda Macias (INRW, English) | ermacias1@southtexascollege.edu

Catch the Next
- Erin Doran (Director of Research and Evaluation, CTN) | erin.doran@catchthenext.org
- Debra McBeath (Director of Engagement, CTN) | debra.mcbeath@catchthenext.org