CTN’s Ascender program has been nominated for Excelencia in Education’s 2021 Examples of Excelencia. Established in 2005, Examples of Excelencia is the only national, data-driven initiative to recognize programs at the associate, baccalaureate and graduate levels as well as community-based organizations with evidence of effectiveness in accelerating Latino student success. Through a comprehensive, year-long process, Excelencia in Education identifies and promotes programs increasing academic opportunities and improving achievement for Latino students in higher education.
Since its inception, more than 1,500 programs have been submitted for consideration and over 300 have been highlighted by Excelencia in Education. The large number of nominations and evidence-based practices show that there is a significant portfolio of existing practices increasing Latino student success across the country. Examples of Excelencia compiles these evidence-based practices and serves as a resource for other institutions and community-based organizations considering efforts to improve their services to Latino students.