ASCENDER Teaching Methodologies & Strategies


The primary objective of this module is to equip educators with a diverse range of teaching strategies and approaches that can be adapted to meet the needs of diverse learners. By providing a variety of techniques, such as strong lines, popcorn reading, free-writing prompts, quick writes, think-pair-share, jigsaw reading, gallery walks, exit tickets, and muddy paper, this module aims to increase student engagement, differentiate instruction, promote critical thinking and problem-solving, enhance communication skills, and build community.

Attention Getter: 

YouTube Video: Top 10 High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS)


Catch the Next Methodologies & Strategies

Required Activities: 

Transformative Methodologies & Strategies Padlet


Choose three strategies that you would use in your courses, and go to the Transformative Methodologies & Strategies Padlet and write the subject you teach and then give a brief overview of how you would use the strategy in the given course. Please share at least three strategies to receive full credit. The Padlet can be found in the Resources below. 


Transformative Methodologies & Strategies

Write your name and the discipline you are involved in, and then give a brief overview of how you would use the strategy in your course(s)/discipline. Please share at least on three different strategies to receive full credit.

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