Spirit Crushers


By the end of the lesson participants will be able to: 

  1. Analyze the concept of belonging, courage, and trust as presented in Brené Brown's speech.
  2. Reflect on their own experiences with belonging and identify personal "spirit crushers" and "spirit lifters."
  3. Communicate their reflections in writing and share them with peers to foster a sense of community and acceptance.

Create two lists, one with the Spirit Lifters in your life and one with the Spirit Crushers. 

 Things to think about?

  1. What is your definition of belonging?
  2. How does the concept of belonging relate to your own life?
  3. What are some ways to build a sense of belonging?
  4. What is the role of courage and trust in building relationships?
  5. How can we create a more inclusive and welcoming world?

Reading Time:

1. Read Spirit Crushers by Robin Abcarian (1994), which you will find in the Resources section below. 

Quick Write: 

1: Choose a Strong Line that touched your corazon (heart). 

2:  Choose one of the Spirit Lifters in your list above and write quickly about the reason this person is one of your Spirit Lifters.

3: Choose one of the Spirit Crushers in your list above and write quickly about the reason this person is one of your Spirit Crushers. 

Please share your quick-writes on the Spirit Lifters/Spirit Crushers Padlet provided in the Resources. 


Edit your piece and continue working on the writing practice.


Spirit Crushers by Robin Abcarian

Spirit Lifters/Spirit Crushers Padlet

Post your responses from the lesson above in this Padlet.

Spirit Crushers Lesson Plan

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