Caroline MacQuire

Caroline Macquire has worked in a Tusla Child and Family agency since 2001. Caroline’s journey as a practitioner has always been client centered. For 15 years Caroline worked within a community social care role implementing collaborative and therapeutic approaches.

Caroline’s career led her to Workforce Learning and Development in 2016 where she was introduced to coaching, and completed an Advanced Diploma in Personal, Leadership and Executive Coaching. Since 2017 Caroline has been part of a team that researches and designs coaching modules, delivers on the Tusla Coaching Skills Programme, and supports the monthly triad practice session.

Caroline credits her coaching clients’ success to her combined training in Positive Intelligence (PQ) coaching, Red Team Thinking strategies and ensuring the fundamentals skills of coaching underpin her approach. Caroline is an affiliated and accredited member with the Global European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC).

Caroline strongly believes in the power of coaching and the positive impact it can have. Through deep listening, compassion, presence, holding space, establishing actions and curious questioning there can be a transformative effect. Caroline’s coaching space and process is one of acceptance, empowerment and a collaborative approach; her sole focus is on the client’s goal and their outcomes.

Caroline has a MA in both Early Childhood Studies and a MA in Practice based Play Therapy, and a BA Hon Degree in Applied Social Studies in Social Care. She also delivers a range of leadership programmes including Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Everyday Inspirational Leadership Programme (EILP).

Caroline loves playing cheesy & nostalgic games with her son like Connect Four.

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