Originally from Galveston, Texas, Lupe Méndez received his Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the On-line MFA in Creative Writing Program at the University of Texas at El Paso. As of 2014, Lupe was selected as a CantoMundo Fellow and continues to work on submissions, creating more writing workshop opportunities, and sharing his poetry with local high schools, colleges and community/arts centers.
He regularly works with Nuestra Palabra: Latino Writers Having Their Say, the Word Around Poetry Tour, and the Brazilian Arts Foundation to promote poetry events, advocate for literacy/literature and organize creative writing workshops that are open to the public.
Lupe is an internationally published poet, in book and online formats, including Norton’s Sudden Fiction Latino: Short-Short Stories From The United States and Latin America, and the 25th anniversary edition of The Bayou Review (University of Houston-Downtown), Flash (University of Chester, England)—the international forum for flash fiction—Huizache, the magazine of Latino literature, Luna Luna Magazine, La Noria, Glassworks, and Revista Síncope (D.F., México). In 2012 Lupe was honored as one “Houston Press’ Creative 100s,” an annual spotlight on the Houston Press blog site where 100 artists & arts supporters are featured throughout the year. Lupe, along with the rest of the Librotraficante organizers, was also awarded the 2012 Downs Intellectual Freedom Award for the defense of Mexican American Studies and literature across the Southwest United States. Lupe also served as Fiction and Poetry editor for the online literary journal, Drunken Boat, on the Librotraficante Portfolio for their 18th issue.
Professional Links
Nuestra Palabra
Selected Publications
Imaniman: Poets Writing in the Anzaldúan Borderlands (contributor)
Sudden Fiction Latino (contributor)