The Inter-University Program for Latino Research’s is presenting vodcasts with the intention of providing practical advice and answering viewers questions. The first vodcast focused on Dr. Rogelio Saenz, CTN Board Chair, former Dean of the College of Public Policy at the University of Texas-San Antonio and former Chair of the Department of Sociology at Texas A&M University. Saenz has written extensively in the areas of demography, Latinoa/os, race and ethnic relations, inequality, immigration, and public policy, social justice and human rights. The video will be available until April 8th, 2022.

The mission of the IUPLR is to advance the intellectual presence of Latinos in the United States. It is also focused on addressing the issues that impact Latino communities and the U.S. As the academic leader of developing the intellectual presence of Latinos in the U.S. the IUPLR possesses the analytic tools necessary to support Latinoa/os communities to fight economic, political, and social injustice. It informs public debate about health, transnational communities, education, family, immigration, arts and culture, disaster and environmental impact, and a host of issues impacting not only Latinos but also the nation.

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